Thursday, October 22, 2009

busy wif exam!

hey people i will be busy reading for exam so i wont update my blog.. be patient k will be back in 2 weeks time=)

gud luck to everyone who is seating for final exam=)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

pics of breaking free

breaking free was held on last saturday by da afternoon st john's board members..
a few frens and i also joined dis activity although we are not st john's members..
we had alot of fun playing games together..
throwing water balloons on our frens and also throwing flour=)
as we were already wet, those flour bcame capati bcoz of da mixture of water.. we was reli dirty as it was all over our shirts, pants and paling teruk they were sticking on our hair..=)
flour entered my ear (pinnal) vy disgusting pic of us playing=)

water balloons=) dis kids in da pail rocks haha
holding two water balloons=) ready to serang them!
time for them to attack us.. protect da gals!! opps againts da game rules xD
supposed to stand in a row not hugging them=)
me on da left holding a big packet of flour=) hapi hapi*
dis is da 2nd game=) im not involed in dis game haha
3rd game.. 1,2 jus! siapa menang baling tepung!!
haha dia kalah kesian!!
and i am involved in dis game..trying to run off but was being pulled by 3 gals
again i lost da game.. being smart abit dis time=) by closing my ears haha
after da game awh more den 300 grams of flour on me xD
ah can snap now akmal i clean edi=)

after those dirty games we went bathing in da toilet together haha xD as in sampoo hair together oni dont think too much =) den we makan sama sama=) after makan main lagi=)main hujan lol!

it was a tiring day actually=)
went back at 2 den terus sleep lol!

i had fun wif my frens=)
its a memorable day

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

TTC's bday

haha its dis evil bro's bday on sunday dad brought us to makan steamboat and bbq in bercharm..

it costs quite alot RM22 per person for 6 person..

but i enjoyed vy vy much as its my 1st time being there.. its special because u can grill your own STEAK! haha vy nice to eat

delicious man!! i grilled them by myself extra sedap!!

6th oct 2009
TTC didnt go to skol bcoz he's skad of being rumbled haha
so we went out at 11 am to take my specs and had lunch together..
ate chicken rice as its reasonable and delicious =)
sent him to tuition before sending me to skol..

ah den i duno wad happened but im vy sure he had a gala time spending time wif his juniors which celebrated his bday in skol.. [a surprised party]
he cut a cake in skol..

at nite we also cut a cake which mum bought for him..
from deli garden.. vy cheap compare to gold vision haha and it tastes good too..
=) took a few pic
his bday cake=) nice rite
his gift from lai kong long haha hu came sending it to our house
bla bla he talks alot
scolding me for taking his ugly pic
making wishes=)

haha the end

mooncake festival

i played lantern and candle after for such a long time i didnt play..
went to billion to buy some paper made lantern and 6 boxes of candle played with TTC and LWK

Saturday, October 3, 2009

goodbye to my broken specs=(

i went to my cousin sister's optic shop today to fix my broken specs..
unfortunately it was terribly out of shape=.= so cant do anything..
have to do a new specs..
a man checked both of my eyes' power and eventually both power oso increased..
den i was asked to choose one new specs[as in frame design]..
i looked all around da new once.. but i dun reli lik any1 of it..
this is bcoz all of them is not as nice as my broken specs..[my opinion]
haiz tried about 5 to 6 different design den i finally made my choice..
its aint so nice its black in colour and da price tag was RM250 if im not mistaken..
cheaper den my previous one haha=)
hehe since my cousin sis is working there, i got a special discount, oni for me =)
it is RM150 and dad paid for me hehe
i was sad bcoz i lik my broken specs more=(

i took back my old specs but without both lens means oni da frame of my specs..
T.T goona take my new specs on tuesday.. will update more on dat day..

Thursday, October 1, 2009

a messed up day =(

well today i went to skol wif bus..
i was happily going skol..
and then vosha came and gave me a present =)
i was reli hapi and thank her alot for dat =)
its reli nice and meaninful is a gift from her for our frenship..

den everything was fine toking alot in class wif wana
skol finished yay!! balik balik!!

balik time..
waiting for bus..
seating along da road side..
den wanna wake up..
my specs fell from my pocket..
didnt see..
one giant step on it..
specs crushed..
lens broke
frame curved..
in da bus-sad sad=(
balik sad=( kena marah =(
click to view it..